@include('forms/elements/header_start') @include('patients/elements/header_end')
{{-- @include('patients.elements.list')--}}
100% complete

Animated stripes

Weight {{ $patient->general->weight }} pounds
Height {{ $patient->general->height }}cm
BMI {{ $patient->general->bmi }}
Gender {{ $patient->general->gender }}
Age {{ $patient->general->age }}
Age {{ $patient->general->education_level }}
First time surgery? {{ $patient->general->first_time_surgery }}
Medication Allergies {{ $patient->general->medication_allergies }}

Please complete this questionnaire

--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{-- --}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{-- @if($patient->surgical)--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{--
Surgery Name{{ $patient->surgical->surgery_name }}
Surgery Date{{ $patient->surgical->surgery_date }}cm
Sedation Type{{ $patient->surgical->sedation_type }}
Anasthetic Complications{{ $patient->surgical->anasthetic_complications }}
--}} {{-- @else--}} {{--

Please complete this questionnaire

--}} {{-- @endif--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
Blood Pressure medication? {{ $patient->cardiac->blood_pressure_medication }}
Lower Blood Pressure {{ $patient->cardiac->bottom_blood_pressure }}
Upper Blood Pressure {{ $patient->cardiac->top_blood_pressure }}
Had Heart Surgery? {{ $patient->cardiac->had_heart_surgery }}
Heart Surgery Name {{ $patient->cardiac->heart_surgery_name }}
Heart Surgery Year {{ $patient->cardiac->heart_surgery_year }}
Stents Placed {{ $patient->cardiac->stents_placed }}
Valves Placed {{ $patient->cardiac->valves_placed }}
Chest Pain? {{ $patient->cardiac->chest_pain }}
Cardiologist Name {{ $patient->cardiac->cardiologist_nme }}
Informed Primary Care Physician? {{ $patient->cardiac->informed_primary_care_physician }}
Have Abnormal Heart Rhythm {{ $patient->cardiac->have_abnormal_heart_rhythm }}
Had Heart Attack? {{ $patient->cardiac->had_heart_attack }}
Have Heart Failure? {{ $patient->cardiac->have_heart_failure }}
Able to lie flat? {{ $patient->cardiac->able_to_lie_flat }}
Have Valve Disease? {{ $patient->cardiac->have_valve_disease }}
On Blood Thinners? {{ $patient->cardiac->on_blood_thinners }}
Had Stess Test? {{ $patient->cardiac->had_stress_test }}
Had Catherization? {{ $patient->cardiac->had_catherization }}
Have Pacemaker? {{ $patient->cardiac->have_pacemaker }}

Please complete this questionnaire

Have Asthma? {{ $patient->pulmonary->have_asthma }}
Have Rescue Inhaler? {{ $patient->pulmonary->have_rescue_inhaler }}
Last Asthma Attack? {{ $patient->pulmonary->last_asthma_attack }}
Been Hospitalised from Asthma? {{ $patient->pulmonary->hospital_asthma_attack }}
Have COPD? {{ $patient->pulmonary->have_copd }}
Do you have home oxygen for COPD? {{ $patient->pulmonary->copd_home_oxygen }}
Recent Bronchitis Infection? {{ $patient->pulmonary->recent_bronchitis_infection }}
Do you Smoke? {{ $patient->pulmonary->do_you_smoke }}
Packs Per Day {{ $patient->pulmonary->packs_per_day }}
Do you see a Lung Doctor {{ $patient->pulmonary->see_lung_doctor }}
Have you had lung testing? {{ $patient->pulmonary->had_lung_testing }}
Do you have sleep apnia or CPAP? {{ $patient->pulmonary->sleep_apnia_or_cpap }}
Habe you had Pneumonia? {{ $patient->pulmonary->had_pneumonia }}
Have you had Thacheostomy? {{ $patient->pulmonary->had_tracheostomy }}
Do you get shortness of breath? {{ $patient->pulmonary->shortness_of_breath }}

Please complete this questionnaire

Have Renal Disease? {{ $patient->renal->have_renal_disease }}
Renal Stage {{ $patient->renal->renal_stage }}
Dialysis Days {{ $patient->renal->dialysis_days }}

Please complete this questionnaire

Do you have any endocrine disorders? {{ $patient->endocrine->have_endocrine_disorders }}
Do you have diabetes? {{ $patient->endocrine->have_diabetes }}
What type of insulin? {{ $patient->endocrine->insulin_type }}
Average glucose reading {{ $patient->endocrine->avg_glucose_reading }}
Last H1AC test {{ $patient->endocrine->last_h1ac_test }}
Hypo? {{ $patient->endocrine->hypo }}
Last TSH {{ $patient->endocrine->last_tsh }}
Do you have Arthiritis? {{ $patient->endocrine->have_arthiritis }}
Do you take Steroids? {{ $patient->endocrine->take_steroids }}
Do you have Lupus? {{ $patient->endocrine->have_lupus }}
Any Blood Disorders {{ $patient->endocrine->blood_disorders }}
Do you have HIV or Aids? {{ $patient->endocrine->have_hiv_aids }}
Last DC4 Test? {{ $patient->endocrine->last_dc4_test }}

Please complete this questionnaire

Have you had a stroke? {{ $patient->neurological->had_stroke }}
Date of stroke {{ $patient->neurological->date_of_stroke }}
Do you have any weakness from the stroke? {{ $patient->neurological->stroke_weakness_where }}
Do you get seizures? {{ $patient->neurological->get_seizures }}
Date of seizure {{ $patient->neurological->date_of_seizure }}
Type of seizure {{ $patient->neurological->type_of_seizure }}
Do you have multiple sclerosis? {{ $patient->neurological->have_multiple_sclerosis }}
Do you have AMS? {{ $patient->neurological->have_ams }}
Do you have dementia? {{ $patient->neurological->have_dementia }}
How long have you had dementia? {{ $patient->neurological->how_long_had_dementia }}
What stage is the dementia at? {{ $patient->neurological->dementia_stage }}
Do you have any psychiatric disorders? {{ $patient->neurological->psychiatric_disorders }}

Please complete this questionnaire

Do you have Hepititis? {{ $patient->gastrointestinal->have_hepititis }}
Do you have GERD? {{ $patient->gastrointestinal->have_gerd }}
Do you get nausea or vomiting? {{ $patient->gastrointestinal->nausea_or_vomiting }}
Do you have Barrett's Esophagitis {{ $patient->gastrointestinal->have_barretts }}
Do you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome? {{ $patient->gastrointestinal->have_irritable_bowel }}
Do you have stomach ulcers? {{ $patient->gastrointestinal->have_stomach_ulcers }}

Please complete this questionnaire

Do you use illegal drugs or Marijuana? {{ $patient->misc->use_illegal_drugs }}
Which drugs? {{ $patient->misc->which_drugs }}
How often do you use drugs? {{ $patient->misc->drugs_how_often }}
Do you drink? {{ $patient->misc->do_you_drink }}
How much do you drink? {{ $patient->misc->drink_how_much }}
How often do you drink? {{ $patient->misc->drink_how_often }}
Do you take pain medication? {{ $patient->misc->take_pain_medication }}
How often do you take pain medication? {{ $patient->misc->pain_med_how_often }}

Please complete this questionnaire

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