
You can view up-coming calls populated within the below table.

@if($calls->count() <= 0) No calls to display @endif @foreach($calls as $call)
Notice: Undefined variable: call in /home/www/ on line 17

Notice: Trying to get property 'call_date_time' of non-object in /home/www/ on line 17

Notice: Undefined variable: call in /home/www/ on line 18

Notice: Trying to get property 'call_date' of non-object in /home/www/ on line 18

Notice: Undefined variable: call in /home/www/ on line 18

Notice: Trying to get property 'physician_time_request' of non-object in /home/www/ on line 18
@include('page-components.patient-call-status') {{-- --}} @if($call->physician_time_request) @else @endif @endforeach
{{-- user-image--}} @if($call->physician !== NULL) Physician Name

{{ $call->physician['first_name'] }} {{ $call->physician['last_name'] }}

@elseif($call->surgeon !== NULL) Surgeon Name

{{ $call->surgeon['first_name'] }} {{ $call->surgeon['last_name'] }}

@else Awaiting response @endif
Confirm Physician response

{{ date('m/d/Y H:i', strtotime($call->call_date." ".$call->physician_time_request)) }}

Date of Call

{{ date('m/d/Y', strtotime($call->call_date)) }}

@isset($call->physician_time_request) @if($call->status === 'PHYSICIAN REQUESTED' || $call->status === 'SURGEON REQUESTED' || $call->status === 'PHYSICIAN TIME SENT' || $call->status === 'SURGEON TIME SENT') @include('patients.calls.elements.accept-decline-call') @endif @endisset @if($call->status === 'VIDEOCHAT ROOM OPEN') @endif