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View all questionnaires

You are able to add and manage questionnaires through this page. To add a new questionnaire please use the button detailed below.
You are able to search using the bar or remove unwanted fields from view if needed.
You are also able to export the dataset as CSV or PDF if necessary.

{{-- @foreach($questionnaires as $questionnaire)--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- @if($questionnaire->status == 1)--}} {{-- --}} {{-- @elseif($questionnaire->status == 0)--}} {{-- --}} {{-- @endif--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- @endforeach--}}
Name Description Status Info
General {{ url('general') }} Active General questions relating to height, BMI etc.
Surgical History {{ url('surgical') }} Active Surgeries & dates
Cardiac {{ url('cardiac') }} Active Questions relasting to cardiac past.
Pulmonary {{ url('pulmonary') }} Active Questions relasting to pulomnary past.
{{ $questionnaire->name }}{{ $questionnaire->description }}--}} {{-- Active--}} {{-- --}} {{-- Inactive--}} {{-- {{ date('m/d/Y', strtotime($questionnaire->created_at)) }}{{ $questionnaire->updated_at->diffForHumans() }}
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